Red Dot Art Challenge

 Creativity is important. Being creative helps you see things differently, which in turn can help you become better at solving problems and challenges in all areas of your life. Creativity can even help you to deal with uncertainty.

Studies show that creative people are better able to live with uncertainty, because they can adapt their thinking to allow for the flow of the unknown.

Something that is even more important right now with the challenges we are all facing.

Maybe you think you aren’t creative, but activities like cooking, getting dressed in the morning, writing and even parenting are all creative. Creativity is part of being human, we are ALL creative. 

Creativity involves imagination. Imagination and visual processing is associated with the right side of your brain. Art can help develop creative thinking by engaging the right side of your brain.

So, to help give your creativity a boost, and to have a little fun we came up with a quick and east art challenge that you can join in with. Join us across Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. 


For 21 days simply draw red dots on paper. 1 dot on day one, 2 dots on day two, and so forth.

Then each day, simply use the dots to create an image.  You can join in at any time, and if you miss a day don’t worry, just pick up where you left off.

You don’t have to be ‘good’ at drawing, and all you need is a pen and paper. You can make it as simple or as complex as you like! Here are some of what has already been shared with us…

Ani de la Prida November 2020

Ani de la Prida