Diploma in
Therapeutic use of Person Centred Creative Arts
Level 4
An intensive professional level course for anyone who wants to further develop and integrate their skills and knowledge to work at greater depth using the person-centred approach to creative arts practice in counselling, psychotherapy, art therapy, coaching, and other similar roles. Students will work with a wide range of methods such as sand, play and digital media.
This is an intensive professional level course designed to build on previous training and experience. A professional level course with five days of experiential learning in a small group setting. You will be able to broaden your practice using a variety of materials, explore working with groups and couples, and develop your capacity for depth of analysis and reflection on your practice.
On successful completion of the course students will gain APCCA Accredited Practitioner status.
course INFOrmation:
The course is experiential and is delivered in person in Brentwood, Essex over 5 full days, plus online meetings, supervision groups and client practice requirement.
Students will broaden their experience of various materials and methods via experiential learning in a small group setting. Students will work with a range of materials and topics such as sand, collage, digital media, natural materials. Students must be in practice with clients outside of the course, and will need to be in appropriate supervision.
Content includes:
Skills practice and analysis
Ethical practice
Client work requirement*
Peer assessment and feedback
Case study
Portfolio submission
Peer and tutor assessment
*please call to discuss if you feel you have relevant equivalent qualifications or professional role setting.
Click here to download our training calendar.
Applicants should have :
An APCCA advanced certificate at level 3.
A professional qualification in counselling, coaching, psychology, art therapy or similar*
Please note the APCCA Advanced Certificate Level 3 is a pre-requisite.
FEE: £750
course dates: tbc August 2025
Venue: spain
If you’d like more information or would like to apply click for an application form
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