mia monroe

 07802 478515

creative arts facilitator

I am a community artist, facilitator, sketch noter, interactive designer, mural artist, creative therapist, fine artist practitioner, eco-warrior..... My focus is on connecting people through art and crusading for creativity as a community catalyst.​

Community engagement is always my priority, seeking out and supporting pockets of society who struggle to access creative opportunities.

 My ethos is to support participants to find their creative energy and to explore new methods of creativity - in an eclectic variety of ways! I work with enthusiam, passion and compassion with a gentle and supportive approach. I strongly believe in the power of people to find their self-efficacy through creative exploration. Founder of Lincoln Art Ninjas (2016) to combine eco-therapy with being more creative while combatting loneliness. Small projects make creating so much more acccessible and counteracts creative anxiety. Being creative in every-day ways is the secret to health and well-being.